
Fluoride-Free Toothpaste + Mouthwash

Fluoride-Free Toothpaste + Mouthwash

Have you ever noticed the warning label on toothpastes about the dangers of swallowing too much fluoride? How much is too much exactly? And why is it even there? Some argue that fluoride, a mineral naturally found in water sources, can help prevent cavities and tooth decay – but not without causing harmful side effects.

Signs and Symptoms of Fluoride Toxicity

According to the American Dental Association when too much fluoride is ingested, it can lead to fluoride toxicity. Signs may include:

Fluoride-Free Toothpaste for Kids

Because the symptoms of acute fluoride toxicity mimic other, common ailments many cases of fluoride poisoning go undiagnosed or mistreated. This can be particularly dangerous for young children as they may have trouble spitting out the toothpaste, especially those under the age of two.

But when your kids brush with a fluoride-free toothpaste, you won’t have to worry if more toothpaste ends up in their stomach than in the sink! 

Alternatives to Fluoride

Dr. Brite's fluoride-free toothpaste and mouthwash formulas were created to effectively clean teeth and gums without jeopardizing you and your family’s health. Instead of fluoride, we use plant-based ingredients known to prevent cavities.

  • Xylitol works to keep bacteria from etching grooves into tooth enamel.
  • Organic Coconut Oil helps prevents bacteria from sticking to teeth.
  • Organic Neem Oil has natural antibacterial properties that can prohibit tooth decay.

Selecting a fluoride-free toothpaste can reduce your risk of developing one of the many complications caused by fluoride intake. For additional information, check out The Negative Effects of Fluoride


1. Why you shouldn't use fluoride toothpaste?

Too much fluoride toothpaste can cause fluorosis, which can interfere with tooth enamel development and cause white streaks on teeth as well as digestive problems.

2. Does mouthwash contain fluoride?

For example, mint flavoring is common in over-the-counter mouthwash, but fluoride isn't, unless the label states otherwise. Before switching to a mouthwash, you should know what to expect.

3. Is it okay to use toothpaste without fluoride?

Your teeth will be more susceptible to decay and disease without fluoride. The fluoride in your toothpaste protects your tooth enamel from decay. Simply brushing your teeth is not enough. Consequently, using fluoride-free toothpaste may increase your risk of developing oral health problems.

4. What happens if you don't use fluoride?

Tooth decay is often associated with fluoride deficiency. Plaque and biofilm bacteria can thrive in low fluoride environments because they can produce acids that erode tooth enamel. Cavities can also develop as a result of this weakening of the enamel.

5. Is there an alternative to fluoride?

Xylitol can prevent dental decay instead of fluoride. Sugar alcohol, a type of natural sweetener, is made from fibrous parts of plants.

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